Here’s What Happens To The Body If People Eat Moldy Food By Mistake

You’ve made a sandwich and taken a delicious bite. Then you see it: fuzzy green mold on the bread you’ve just eaten. It’s enough to make you sick. But what are the actual repercussions of this stomach-churning misstep? Is it enough to worry over, or no big deal? Well, according to experts, the answers to those questions may leave you more than a little rattled.

A whole lot of mold

Mold’s more common than you think. In fact, you’re never going to avoid it altogether. And the USDA’s Food and Safety Inspection Service has some very bad news if you’re a mold hater. On its website, it says, “No one knows how many species of molds exist, but estimates range from tens of thousands to perhaps 300,000 or more.” It's no wonder some of them find our way to our food.

Easy to grow

“These spores can be transported by air, water, or insects,” the USDA adds of mold. The best conditions for the stuff to grow, then, are in humid and warm places. And if you’ve ever accidentally left food out in a heatwave, then mold can creep onto it without you even noticing. Well, until it’s too late!

It's everywhere

Moldy food won’t always look the same; it can be dusty, furry, black, white, gray, green, or yellow. And in 2020 Dr. Carla Gervasio – who specializes in Oriental medicine – explained to Shape magazine that its spores don’t just grow on food. They can be in the air, for instance, as well as on the countertops where we prepare our food and even on the sponges with which we clean our dishes.

Mold loves food

Edible items are where you’re most likely to spot mold, however – particularly when they are spoiled. And, of course, the length of time it takes for food to become unsuitable for consumption depends on whether it’s been labeled perishable, semi-perishable, or non-perishable.

Varying growth times

Perishable goods such as meat, fish, fruit, milk, and some vegetables begin to spoil almost instantly unless they are adequately stored. Semi-perishable items such as eggs, carrots, potatoes, onions, and beans, on the other hand, can stay edible for several weeks if kept in a cool, dry pantry. And as the name suggests, non-perishable nuts, pulses, and cereals can stay in good condition for much longer periods of time.

Don't cook spoiled food

Don’t chance cooking up a meal with rotten food, however, as it could prove dangerous. During the spoiling process, you see, the product experiences chemical and physical changes as a result of the heat, light, moisture, and air to which it has been exposed. And, worryingly, these conditions are often good ones for microorganisms to grow in.


To make sure that our food lasts long enough to enjoy it safely, many of our favorite grocery products have chemical preservatives added to them. These not only help ensure that an item is in its best condition, but they can also help the food look fresher for a greater period of time.

Necessary inclusions

For example, antioxidants such as butylated hydroxytoluene slow down the process of fatty, oily foods like margarine going rancid. Humectants, meanwhile, absorb the water in products such as shredded coconut, with this aiding in keeping any moisture content consistent.


Antibiotics are even added to food, as tetracyclines combat the growth of dangerous bacteria in fish, chicken, and various canned items that could otherwise make someone sick. And the preservatives used to curb mold’s development are known as antimycotics. These include sorbic acid and sodium propionate, and they are added to fruit, cheese, and bread as well as many fruit juices.

Controversial chemicals

However, some preservatives used for aesthetic purposes have proved rather controversial. For instance, sodium nitrate and simple nitrite are both used in meat curing as they help prevent the development of bacteria which could cause botulism – a condition of the nervous system. That said, these substances are also added because they give bacon and ham its appetizing reddish-pink coloring.

No need for additives?

And the food industry argues that the natural brown color of many cured meats would deter people from buying them, as they may look otherwise unappealing. Some critics believe, though, that our modern level of cleanliness and access to refrigeration makes adding preservatives to food largely unnecessary.

Check the date

But in our everyday lives, how do we recognize a food item that has spoiled? Well, the first guideline is the expiry or sell-by date on the packaging – and if you’ve gone past the expiry, it’s recommended that you steer clear. Sometimes items that haven’t reached this date may have already gone bad, in fact. A tell-tale sign here would be a change in color – like white bread becoming yellow or green vegetables going black.

Gross produce

So, if food has a foul odor or just doesn’t smell the way it should, it may have begun to go rot and therefore shouldn’t be eaten. That’s also the case if your produce is sticky or slimy or has any kind of film over it. And if a fruit or vegetable has become blemished, wrinkled, or unusually soft, it, too, is normally beyond saving.

Two kinds of people

Still, you probably fall under one of two camps when it comes to spotting mold on your food. You may be the kind of person who simply cuts the offending section off a piece of bread before eating the rest of the slice anyway; alternatively, you may throw out the entire carton of strawberries if just one looks a little rotten. But which of these tactics is correct? Well, it depends entirely on the food in question.

Avoid entirely

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Safety and Inspection Service notes that mold has roots and branches that grow like threads and can penetrate deeply into food items. This means that, more often than not, the safest course of action is to avoid eating moldy food entirely. But if you really want to take the risk, some produce is safer to eat when spoiled than others.

Eating around the mold

According to the USDA, harder foods such as some cheeses, vegetables, salami, and firm fruits can be eaten even if they’ve become moldy. As long as you make sure to cut at least an inch around and below the mold, that patch can be removed and then consumed as normal. Ensure that the knife you use doesn’t touch the mold itself, however, to reduce the risk of spreading it and then cover the item in new plastic wrap afterward.

Toss 'em out

By contrast, bread, baked goods, or soft fruits should be thrown out if any mold at all is discovered, and that similarly applies to yogurt, canned goods, jams, or uncooked meat and poultry. These foods all contain a higher level of moisture than others, making it easier for the mold toxins to spread more thoroughly.

No toast for you

And if you’re of the belief that toasting bread can actually kill the mold bacteria on it, the USDA says otherwise. You see, bread is actually extremely porous, which means that mold roots can take hold deeply – and so your loaf should be thrown in the trash if it’s visibly spoiled in this way.

Prevent mold

How can you stop your food from going moldy in the first place? Well, firstly, you should always keep any perishable items in the refrigerator. Food should also be covered when it is being served, or at the very least it should never be left uncovered for more than two hours. Finally, always be sure to maintain high standards of hygiene in your cupboards and your fridge.

Not so easily avoided

It should be known, though, that mold can grow on food in almost any environment. Yes, while it spreads quickest in humid, warm places, it is also perfectly capable of hanging on in colder climates. This means putting something in the fridge won’t negate the risk of mold entirely; rather, it will simply slow the process down.

What to look for when shopping

Yet there are some mold-limiting steps you can take when shopping for groceries. For example, the USDA advises avoiding purchasing large amounts of food at once. You should also try not to buy any bruised produce such as discolored fruit, as bruising is an indicator of a disruption to the cellular makeup of the product – leaving the door open for mold to grow.

Won't harm you

But what if there’s mold on the tasty sandwich you’ve just prepped for yourself? Well, experts claim that there’s usually no reason to worry if you’ve consumed this type of fungi by accident. In May 2020, Providence Saint John’s Health Center gastroenterologist Dr. Rudolph Bedford told Women’s Health, “You’re not going to die from eating mold.” He added that as long as your immune system is in good working order, you should be capable of digesting the substance in the same manner as any other food item.

Just yucky

Yet while Bedford also acknowledged that you may feel unwell after ingesting mold, that’s not down to any dangerous toxins; rather, it’s because it tastes so horrid. He said, “The stomach is a harsh environment, so, for the most part, most bacteria and fungus won’t survive. It’s very uncommon that you’re going to get sick from mold.”

Watch your symptoms

Even so, Bedford advised that if you do become ill after eating mold, you should see whether you eventually suffer from more than just a bad stomach. If you are regularly vomiting, for instance, then you should contact your doctor, who is likely to prescribe anti-nausea pills or a medication to clean out your digestive system by inducing diarrhea.

Death by mold?

Bedford also told Women’s Health that while he has never encountered a patient in his 30 years of practice who has died from ingesting mold, this doesn’t mean there aren’t people who are at a higher risk than others. An allergic reaction to mold can lead to respiratory problems, after all – although, according to the gastroenterologist, these issues are very treatable and usually temporary.

A strong immune system

And Maria Yuabova – a New York City nurse practitioner – backs this up. In 2020 she told Shape, “When the immune system works well and healthy gut flora is abundant, molds will have no negative impact on the health and wellness of that individual.” That’s all fine if you’re in perfect physical health, but what about the rest of us?

Fungus invasion

“In the case of people whose immune systems are weak, ingested fungal spores could cause more severe issues,” Yuabova went on. “When fungal invasion becomes systemic, the fungus can invade the digestive tract, upper respiratory tract and brain. Those cases become more serious.” Folks with allergies, asthma, or a chronic condition of some sort should contact their doctor, then, if they’ve eaten mold.

Keep your gut healthy

You should know, too, that symptoms of a bad reaction to the ingestion of mold can be similar to those of food poisoning. That’s according to nutritionist Lisa Richards, who is the creator of the Candida Diet – “a low-sugar, anti-inflammatory diet that promotes good gut health and eliminates the sugars that feed a candida overgrowth.” For reference, her advice focuses on balancing the bacteria in your gut.

Ride it out

Richards told Shape that it’s best to simply ride it out if you inadvertently eat some mold. She continued, “If you notice gastrointestinal symptoms, [however], it’s a good idea to add a probiotic into your health regimen and follow a fairly bland diet to help replenish the healthy bacteria in your gut.”

Moldy cheese

You may even have ingested mold without realizing it and lived to tell the tale. Brie, camembert, and a number of blue cheeses all have penicillium cultures added to them. These create the tell-tale blue-gray or dark blue veins!

No bad mold here

Mold is often key to certain cheeses’ unique texture and flavor, as they eat the sugar and proteins in the milk used in curdling. The method of aging blue cheese then creates levels of density, acidity, moisture, and oxygen flow that prevent the growth of dangerous molds with harmful toxins.

Blue cheese benefits

And while blue cheese also contains extremely high levels of sodium – making it typically saltier than other forms of the dairy-based product – it can have health benefits if consumed in moderation. For starters, blue cheese is typically less fatty and has more nutrients than its counterparts.

Helpful fungus

The Penicillium roqueforti mold used in the creation of blue cheese can help lower cholesterol by combatting the bad parasites and bacteria that can increase levels of the lipid in the body. This fungus even obstructs the angiotensin-converting enzyme, helping better control blood pressure.


And that’s not all. The mold in blue cheese also works in an anti-inflammatory capacity – thus reducing the risk of diseases such as arthritis and inflammation of the bowel. It may similarly contribute to the lowering of plaque levels in our arteries, strengthen the immune system and combat sinus and food allergies.

Vitamins & minerals

What’s more, blue cheese is brimming with minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, and magnesium as well as vitamins A, D, and B12. And that’s good to hear, as magnesium is great for reducing muscle stiffness and, in conjunction with calcium, strengthening bone density. Meanwhile, vitamin B12 helps the nervous system and plays a big part in cell metabolism and the formation of red blood cells.

High protein

And according to a 2018 article by the website Health Fuze, every ounce of blue cheese possesses on average six grams of protein – which can contribute to the growth of bones, cartilage, muscles, hair, skin, and blood vessels. The dairy product can also improve cognitive function by encouraging the regeneration of brain cells – making it ideal for the elderly and growing children.


Finally, if the penicillium used in blue cheese is ringing a bell in your head, that’s likely because the word reminds you of penicillin. This, of course, is still one of the most commonly used antibiotics all over the world and was actually originally derived from the penicillium mold. Scottish bacteriologist Alexander Fleming unintentionally made the discovery in 1928.

Bacteria killer

Specifically, Fleming found that the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus was prevented from growing in a culture he was preparing, as his concoction had been accidentally contaminated by Penicillium notatum. Intrigued by this phenomenon, he went on to isolate the penicillium mold and cultivate it in fluid form. And after going through this process, Fleming noted that the resulting substance had the ability to kill many of the bacteria that commonly infect human beings.

Life-saving mold

Then, thanks to British biochemist Ernst Boris Chain and pathologist Howard Florey from Australia, penicillin was purified by the late 1930s, with an injectable form of the drug arriving soon after that. And as you may know, penicillin is still used to treat diseases today – including meningitis and throat infections.